I am a regular columnist for the media Ultima Hora. See my opinion pieces here.
I also contribute occasional opinion pieces to Economistas Frente a la Crisis and elDiario.es:
Los desproporcionados costes de la austeridad (April, 6th, 2024)
El combate de la mentira económica: menos impuestos no son mejores servicios (April, 21st, 2022, joint with Carles Manera)
Inflación y gasto público: ¿a dónde van nuestros impuestos? (April, 13th, 2022, joint with Carles Manera)
La crisis antes del coronavirus (May 20th, 2020, joint with Carles Manera)
Inversión pública para reducir la deuda (May 11th, 2020, joint with Carles Manera)
See also my contribution to Business World ( 12th January 2024, joint with Jesús Felipe)
In 2022 I was interviewed (joint with Ferran Portella-Carbó) in Canal 4 Radio about how the war in Ukraïne may affect the Spanish economy. The interview (in catalan) starts in the minute 145 of this recording.